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Make Lee County a pristine place to live, work and play
The mission of Keep Lee County Beautiful is to inspire, educate, and engage the Lee County community in improving, beautifying, and protecting our environment.
Support Keep Lee County Beautiful and know that 100% of the proceeds stay in our community and help to make a cleaner, greener, more livable home for us all. Keep Lee County Beautiful provides a unique experience for individuals to make an impact in our community. We offer a variety of service projects to work with groups of all ages. We use the three "E's" of community engagement: Education, Environment and Events. Combining education with service creates a cohesive community effort for change.
We appreciate all of your support! Keep Lee County Beautiful is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on the support of the community. Help by donating now, sponsoring an event, becoming a member or volunteering with us!
We depend on your generosity to help Keep Lee County Beautiful.