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CROW's Visitor Education Center (VEC) offers behind-the-scenes views into CROW's animal care through live camera feeds, interactive displays and daily presentations by students, staff and volunteers.
Each year, CROW cares for approximately 3,500 wildlife patients including more than 200 species of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in its veterinary hospital, which is one of the nation’s leading rehabilitation facilities for native and migratory wildlife.
CROW offers educational fellowships and externship programs for undergraduate students, and internship programs for veterinarian graduates.
Volunteers are the cornerstone of CROW and each year more than 200 volunteers dedicate thousands of hours helping rescue, care for and rehabilitate wildlife.
CROW accepts all native wildlife in need of care including migratory birds.
CROW employs a full-time veterinarian who is Board Certified in avian medicine and surgery with a number of years' experience working with wildlife and experienced wildlife rehabilitators.
CROW offers immediate on-site critical care such as pain management, surgery and radiography, while also providing for long-term rehabilitation.
CROW offers a student program unique in its scope, with opportunities for college-age or older students at all levels of learning -- including veterinary interns.
CROW has a high case-load with a rich variety of wildlife species not encountered at many other rehabilitation centers.
CROW has served the wildlife of Southwest Florida for almost 50 years.
To learn more, please visit their website here.
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